How to Build a Small Mammal Trap


Building mammal traps yourself adds to the satisfaction of hunting and catching animals. Practice makes perfect when it comes to trap making. Learn to cater the trap to the animal you like to catch through experience and practice. Build this simple snare trap to begin and then move on to more difficult traps as your skills improve.


Secure the snare wire to a small tree or a stake that is firmly set in the ground. Wrap the wire around the tree or stake. Slide the wire through the swivel and close the swivel.


Make a loop in the wire to form the noose part of the snare. Put one end of the lock onto to wire. Slide the end through the second hole in the lock to form the loop. Secure the wire in the lock by placing a ferrule on the end of the snare wire.


Slide the wire so that the noose loop is between 3 and 7 inches in diameter, depending on which animal you wish to trap. Set the noose at 3 inches for squirrels, 5 inches for rabbits and 7 inches for beavers.


Set the snare at head level for the animal you are going to trap. Hold the snare in place by using a stabilizing wire. Attach one end of the stabilizing wire to the snare in a place that can not interfere with the lock. Attach the stabilizing wire to a small stake.


Check the trap daily for your catch. Check the trap several times a day if the animal population is high in the area you are trapping.


Verify that using snare traps is legal in your area by contacting the local game and wildlife office.

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